Friends, Dental professional in India has grown in leaps and bounds in past 20 years. Number of associations has also grown and all of them are doing their bit. But the need for professional support continues to be extreme to enable a dentist to provide highest level of service to patients. In the area of partnering for progress for each dentist, a lot has been done, but much more needs to be done. IAGD will be the first body which will try to provide mentoring for each and every member. IAGD has been started with the vision to fill this void in the life of practicing dentist. It is hoped that it will be able to instill greater confidence and skills in all those with burning desire to do the latest and best for their patients. Toward this Goal IAGD also plans to offer an American fellowship to regular members. I look foward to serve you and get your regular feedback. I seek your full hearted cooperation to enable us to partner with you for many years down the road. We have already initiated lot of activities, World Journal of dentistry has wide reach and we welcome your contributions. Prof Sumant Goel, MDS, FWFO (USA), Cert KM (Germany, FICD, FPFA |